Lost in a Dream Where X, Y and Z Prevail

Rishabh Kumar, Class 5, Vasudev C Wadhwa Arya Vidya Mandir, Bandra East, Mumbai

I am lost in a dream where x, y and z prevail,
Lost in a dream where science is all I can inhale.
Equations and pro-stars, all around me, everywhere,
I feel like I could be ubiquitous, be anywhere.
Science is where my dreams take flight,
It is my rocket’s fuel, the industry where I toil and shine stellar and bright.
The year comes to an end, yonder I look, wondering where I shall go next,
Where lie the stanchions of a new structure, the foundations of a new complex…
For science is the chest that holds my desired cabochons, gold beyond measure,
I have found that science may make me socially inactive but brings me pleasure.
Thank you, dear teachers, for making me believe that science is simply abstract art,
My gratitude for helping me overcome fear, and understand that in this world, no one is 100% smart.
From the world of prokaryotes, protozoa, and poriferans, to the realm of the human heart,
Thanks to all the teachers who taught me and played the kingpin’s part!
And now I am lost in a dream where x, y and z prevail,
I am lost in a dream where science is all I can inhale.

January, 2025

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