sent by Saanvvi Jain, Class 6, Bombay Scottish School, Mumbai
“Oh my God, Mom, that soft toy looks so cute,” exclaimed Stacy, adding, “Can we buy it?” “No! Stacy, I’m not buying you a tiny soft toy which is not even bigger than my palm, and it is so expensive! Do you know how hard it is to earn money? No you do not, do you?” shouted Stacy’s mom. “Okay, okay, calm down, Mom!” Stacy said. Stacy always made her mother angry. Stacy also lied a lot.
Did you know that she once had a sleep-over with her friend but had not told her mother about it?
Now, one bright Friday afternoon as Stacy was walking on the pavement, she saw an injured puppy. She knew her mother wouldn’t allow the puppy in so she hid it in her backpack and took it home. She hid the puppy in her room for 10 entire days but on the 11th day, her mother had to clean her room. “No need, Mom, my room is super clean!” Stacy said trying to keep her mom out of her room.
“Stacy, step out of the way. There is literally a mountain of clothes on the floor and you call that clean?” “That’s clean enough for me. It’s okay, I can clean it on my own,” Stacy argued. “Oh, stop acting crazy,” Stacy’s mom said.
But, Stacy’s mother started to hear a puppy yelping in the room. “Stacy, is there a puppy in your bedroom?” she asked Stacy. “No Mom, I think that you have gone crazy now,” Stacy said. Now Stacy’s mother was really angry and pulled her out of the way. She saw a puppy inside and was shocked because that was their neighbour’s new golden retriever.
“Hey, Mom, aren’t you happy that I found their lost puppy?” asked Stacy. “No Stacy! I am not happy. It seems like you stole their dog. What will they think? You will go and return their dog to them now and one more thing—you are grounded for two whole weeks!” exclaimed Stacy’s mom.
Moral: Never lie because it keeps on going on and on.