Letter from the Editor: October 16, 2021

Last month, the internet was abuzz with news of a traffic police officer from Kolkata in West Bengal giving shelter to two street dogs amid heavy rains. Tarun Kumar Mandal held an umbrella to cover himself and the dogs even as he managed city traffic.

A few days later, an image of a Taj Hotels employee from Mumbai went viral; he too comforted a stray dog under his umbrella just outside the property he worked for. In fact, Ratan Tata took to social media to praise his employee for this compassionate gesture.

Humans often go out of their way to shelter dogs, cats and birds from the rain. Some open up their homes to strays and others put out dry jute bags for animals to have a warm, dry bed to rest on. People are known to put out birdbaths and feeders and even keep their air-conditioners switched off for the safety of birds’ nests with eggs that are resting on top of the ACs.

Many NGOs like WSD, Ahimsa and Animals Matter To Me look after street dogs. Here’s another remarkable example of how people take that extra step of compassion towards animals: Bombay House in Mumbai, which is the global headquarters of the Tata Group, has a dedicated kennel to offer shelter to stray dogs living around the area. Last year, Ratan Tata spent his Diwali with these adopted dogs.

Diwali is right around the corner and yet again, the firecrackers people light will scare the animals living on the streets. How are you going to keep the animals living near you safe and happy this Diwali? Tell us by uploading your ideas to the ‘Letters to Editor’ section on www.robinage.com/write-to-us.htm

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