Letter from the Editor: May 16, 2024

Maintaining a work-life balance in today’s fast-paced and competitive world has become difficult.

The rise of remote and hybrid work models in organisations in the post-pandemic world have blurred the lines between employees’ professional and personal lives. Technological advancements have increased flexibility and efficiency in organisations, however, they have many disadvantages. 

Employees are often expected to reply to work-related text messages and e-mails from their employers even after work hours. Many employees do not have a specific clock-in and clock-out time, which increases their work time and robs them of their ‘me time’ and ‘family time’. The modern work landscape keeps people connected to their work even after work hours, making it challenging for them to separate their professional lives from their personal lives. 

As a result, employees experience burnout, anxiety and many other health problems. Their children too are experiencing emotional issues because their parents are ‘always at work’. Employees find it difficult to relax, socialise and pursue their hobbies. Focussing on personal obligations and relationships also becomes challenging. 

According to research, disconnecting from work is important as it not only keeps people mentally and physically healthy, but also boosts their productivity. Recently, a lawmaker from San Francisco, USA, proposed a ‘Right to Disconnect’ bill that allows employees of companies in California to ignore work-related emails, texts and calls from their employers beyond their compensated work hours. If an employee provides proof of three or more documented incidents of communication outside of work hours, the employer may face a punishment of ‘not less than $100’. Many countries including Australia and France have taken similar steps to ensure employees have a healthy work-life balance. 

Do you think India requires a similar law? To be featured in the ‘From You to Us’ section of RobinAge, send us your thoughts on [email protected]

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