Letter from the Editor: March 16, 2025

Have you ever felt so many emotions at once that your mind felt like a tangled web?

Have you ever felt so many emotions at once that your mind felt like a tangled web? Maybe you were happy, sad and nervous all at the same time. It can be confusing when that happens! But did you know that naming your feelings can actually help you understand and deal with them better? 

Think about your favourite ice cream. If you didn’t know the names of different flavours, how would you describe the taste? It’s the same with emotions—if you don’t name them, it’s hard to know what you’re feeling. 

Experts say that recognising emotions like happiness, frustration, sadness or anger helps you understand what’s happening inside you. It also makes it easier to talk about your feelings and find solutions. 

For example, imagine your best friend moves to another city. You feel sad but don’t know what to do. If you tell your parents or a trusted adult, “I feel sad because I miss my friend,” they can help you find ways to stay in touch or cheer you up. 

Or let’s say your friend keeps interrupting you while you talk. It might make you angry or frustrated. If you say, “It upsets me when you don’t let me finish my sentence,” your friend will understand and try to change their behaviour. 

Understanding your own emotions also helps you connect with others. If you notice your friend is quiet or looks upset, you might guess they’re feeling sad and ask if they want to talk. 

So, the next time you feel overwhelmed, don’t ignore your emotions—name them! Talking about feelings makes us stronger, happier and better at handling life’s challenges. Try it—you’ll see the difference! 

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