Letter from the Editor: July 01, 2024

Have you ever been offended by someone’s hurtful words?

Research shows that negative and positive words not only influence an individual’s well-being, but also the quality of their life. Negative words might lead to feelings of self-doubt, shame and anger and might lower a person’s self-esteem. On the other hand, positive words have the power to lift a person’s spirits, enhance self-confidence and increase motivation. Negative words can tear a person down while positive words and thoughts have the power to build an individual up and boost their self-esteem. 

Sports coaches often use words of encouragement to motivate athletes before, during and after matches or competitive events. The high-pressure environment during a match often makes players lose confidence in their abilities. At times like this, coaches help players focus on their abilities by reminding them of their past achievements and expressing belief in them. This helps players overcome challenges and rise above the pressure. When coaches praise players’ performance, it encourages them to improve and set higher standards for themselves. 

Always remember that words have a powerful impact on peoples’ emotions and hurtful words once spoken can haunt a person forever. Therefore, you must choose your words wisely. 

Similarly, it is also important to pay attention to your self-talk or internal dialogue. Talking to yourself positively and being kind to yourself can improve your mental and physical well-being. It also improves your relationship with yourself and with other people. 

Tell us about an incident where someone’s encouraging words uplifted you. You can e-mail your comments to [email protected]

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