Letter from the Editor: July 01, 2021

Now that we might be looking at yet another term of virtual schooling, it’s time to start refocussing and learning to be productive within the four walls of your home.

There are a few simple things that you can do to keep from getting overwhelmed by school work and in the bargain, you can earn yourself some free hours to spend as you like, whether it’s by reading a book, pursuing a hobby, mastering a skill or even watching a movie. 

  • While studying, dress for school. Even if you may not need to wear a uniform, make sure you are not dressed in pyjamas or home clothes. 
  • Always stay away from your cell phone, the television and your bed when you are studying. If you don’t have a desk space, fix a specific spot in your house as your school corner and put up images that inspire you. You can use colours like yellow that inspires creativity or white, which helps you focus. Use a soft board to put up your timetable, goals and checklists. 
  • It’s a good idea to use the breaks between your classes to do something that refuels your mind and prevents boredom. 
  • If you are in a video class, always keep the camera on. This will prevent you from moving around to run other errands. 
  • Since we are all working and studying from home, it’s a good idea to form virtual study groups, so that you do not miss out on the values and lessons you learn from studying together. 
  • Also, one of the most important rules to follow is to stick to your timings. Create a timetable and follow it. If you end up studying from 8am in the morning to 8pm at night, in spite of the multiple breaks you take, you will end up exhausted, irritable and short-tempered and won’t do justice to the efforts you put in. 
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