In today’s fast-paced world, it is difficult for one to maintain focus on a single activity with a constant flow of distractions.
In today’s fast-paced world, it is difficult for one to maintain focus on a single activity with a constant flow of distractions. Have you ever tried to focus on a task such as solving a puzzle, but found yourself distracted by a message from your friend or something happening outside? Such distractions make the process of solving the puzzle slower. That is why practising singular focus, which means concentrating on and completing one task at a time, is important.
Focussing on one task at a time allows one’s brain to get used to it and delve deep into the task, allowing one to ‘get into a flow’. This makes the task more enjoyable and improves the quality of work. Additionally, it enables one to finish the task quickly, without any interruptions.
It also boosts your creativity. For example, if you decide to paint a picture with no other distractions, you can get fully absorbed in the creative process and produce a masterpiece.
Another perk of engaging in one task is that it keeps you calm, as having to divide your attention between numerous activities can be stressful and frustrating. Giving a task your undivided attention not only helps you think clearly, but also increases productivity.
Here are a few ways you can improve your focus: