Letter from the Editor: December 01, 2023

Academics play a very important role in the lives of students because a good academic record can lead to good career options and financial stability in the future.

However, academic excellence is not the only determining factor for success as academics alone will not help an individual deal with all of life’s challenges. Therefore, it is crucial that children cultivate other non-academic life skills so that they develop a well-rounded personality. 

Learning simple daily chores or tasks can help you grow into a responsible and independent adult. Lending a helping hand with tasks around the house or running errands can help you learn to take care of yourself. Observing your parents and incorporating the values and skills they teach you in your daily life will help you make good choices and grow into a self-reliant and disciplined adult. 

It is important that you learn these basic skills with the help of your parents: 

  • Preparing simple meals. 
  • Practising basic first aid. 
  • Cleaning the house and folding your laundry. 
  • Maintaining personal hygiene. This includes bathing regularly and wearing clean clothes. 
  • Organising your toys, books and belongings. 
  • Shopping for groceries. 
  • Tracking how much of your pocket money you save and spend. 
  • Using public transport. 
  • Creating a schedule and managing your time efficiently. 
  • Making good use of your free time. 
  • Setting a goal with a deadline and tracking your progress. 
  • Making decisions by weighing the pros and cons of a situation. 
  • Taking care of your pet, if you have one. 
  • Keeping in touch with loved ones. 
  • Cheering someone up if they are sad. 

Learning these skills will build your confidence and help you in your personal and professional life in the future. Make these skills a part of your New Year resolution. 

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