Letter from the Editor: August 16, 2024

In an age where the internet has become an integral part of our lives, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of information available.

Notifications, news feeds, messages and the need to stay updated and give updates to one’s connections often create a sense of anxiety in people. Additionally, over-the-top (OTT) platforms have increased individuals’ screen time. Binge-watching shows often ruins people’s sleep cycle and leads to mental and physical illnesses. Despite the cons of increased screen time, many people choose to engage in these activities as a pastime. 

Why don’t we replace these not-so-healthy activities with something much healthier? Why don’t we re-engage with our dear friends, books? Books can be considered as best friends. They not only give us company, but teach us new things. Books transport us to new worlds and expand our capacity for imagination. They help us visualise characters, settings and situations and give us a sense of comfort. Additionally, books provide us with role models—people often work to emulate heroes and inspiring characters from stories they have read. 

Research suggests that reading increases self-confidence and improves brain activity. In addition to the immersive pleasure reading provides, it also enhances our understanding of the world and ourselves. It makes us more expressive and creative. It helps us verbalise our thoughts and communicate effectively. 

Reading also helps in the creation of writers, who play a significant role in shaping society. Reading and writing serve as powerful instruments of expression and communication. 

Reading provides us with numerous benefits. So, pick up your favourite book, curl up in a cosy corner of your home, grab a cup of hot chocolate and get lost in a delightful world! 

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