Gurleen Arora, Class 7, Delhi Public School, Ghaziabad
Crocin, disprin and dolo,
They all are medicines but with a hollow.
They cure my headache,
But not my heartache.
They cure my temperature, But not my temperament.
They cure my pains,
But not my complains.
One day I had fight with my sister,
She had tore my school register.
I became furious and gave her 4 slaps, real serious.
She screamed and cried,
“You are the worst sister” She replied.
We both became very violent,
And called our parent.
I popped a disprin,
But was not healed within.
I held my grudges,
And felt I was on crutches.
48 hours later,
There came another creator.
I banged at her again,
But remembered my parents advice before I rained.
I turned around and held outo the ground.
I kept myself light
and laughed out right.
I flew with the flow,
and let things go.
The pain in my head vanished,
And my heart ache banished.
I smiled she laughed,
I kissed she hugged.
My mind soared in the air,
And my feelings begin to repair.
Somebody nice said it wise that,
Laughter is the Best Medicine