Udeeta Borpujari, Class 9, Army Public School, Jorhat
Have some self confidence,
You matter, not your outer appearance.
You are beautiful, you just need to believe,
If they don’t love you, have the courage to just leave!
Nobody needs to love you,
You are enough.
You don’t need others’ validation,
To love yourself, there shouldn’t be any hesitation.
Be with yourself,
Spend some alone time,
Embrace yourself,
Nobody is going to be there all the time.
Go out alone,
Do everything on your own.
Accept all your emotions,
Cause you are good even with your imperfections.
It’s not just you, nobody is perfect,
And that is the secret.
Accept yourself with all your flaws,
Love yourself the most, without any pause.
Only when you have love,
You can spread love.
And always remember,
Self love,
Is the greatest kind of love!
January, 2024