Siyya Bhatt, Class 7, Homeschooling, Mumbai
As I ascended, the pristine breeze blew across my face as I climbed, higher up the hill. When I inhaled, the sweet fragrance of flowers and fresh water met my nostrils. I turned to see how high I was, and my jaw dropped. I fixed my eyes on a wonderous view. The picturesque valley lay before me, and a river was curving through the lush green landscape, looking like a silver snake, glistening in the sun, from my vantage point.
After a minute or so, I had to tear my eyes away from the view; I had to reach the village! As I neared the hamlet some time later, the tantalizing aroma of baking bread and cake wafted to me in greeting; the village emerged into view after two minutes. The village life looked like bliss!
A couple of huge windmills stood amid the golden farms; I descried the river I’d seen earlier, flowing into the village.
I jogged down to the cluster of quaint little houses with their well-kept backyards to find Aunt Lidya’s home.
When I arrived, a delicious scent coming through the open windows greeted me.
May, 2024