Once upon a time used to live a boy named as John. He used to be really very happy during childhood days but as he grew up, he used to be irritated with his family, especially with his mother Elliot. He have two siblings- Granary and William. Both of his siblings were of young age- around 12 years. And John was of 15 years. In the childhood, her mother used to love him a lot and provide him her attention.
The relation between them was remarkable and fulfilled with joyfulness and happiness. But as he grew up, he realized that his mother stopped loving him, but there was nothing like this. This was felt when William got high fever. Elliot got tensed for him and started shouting on John. He never thought that due to his sibling, his mother would become rude to him. His emotions were uncontrollable and cried at a corner. However, no one other than his friends cared for him.
William’s life was on risk, so Elliot started being angry at small things. At that day, John decided to not talk with his mother and ran away from his home as his despondent behavior and depressed feeling was not seen by anyone. On the day of Friday, he ran away forever with few important things. His family was unconscious because of Williams and didn’t know that John was missing. Williams started becoming well and as soon as he became fit and fine, Elliot observed that John was neither at home nor at hospital.
Elliot was stressed for him and started feeling that how she shouted on John earlier. She was regretting about what she did with John and freaky Elliot started running on roads and outside the city in search of John. She cried loudly and became dizzy. Her husband was abroad and he didn’t know about what happened with his children and wife. Now, the media started broadcasting Elliot on various channels for her child.
While John was running away, she saw that her mother cried out loudly and screaming for him. His tears dropped onto the roads and he was about to run, but not outside the city, to his mother. John was unable to see the condition of his mother. He ran away speedily and hugged his mother tightly in his arms and cried out. That scene was being observed by everyone. The people standing around there were crying to see such an emotional scene between a mother and his son. His son promised that he would never run from his home again.
His mother also promised to not shout on him ever. Both started talking to each other again and spent more time. From that day, His mother lived so much happily.
Moral- Never feel that your mother is unfair with you because her love is always equal