Infant from Andhra Pradesh Sets Record for Identifying 120 Objects

A four-month-old baby from Andhra Pradesh named Kaivalya was recognised by the Noble Book of World Records for being able to identify 120 different objects including vegetables, fruits and animals.

March 16, 2024  

A four-month-old baby from Andhra Pradesh named Kaivalya was recognised by the Noble Book of World Records for being able to identify 120 different objects including vegetables, fruits and animals. Kaivalya’s mother discovered her daughter’s unique ability and recorded a video of her identifying different things. The video was sent to Noble World Records and the team at the organisation carefully evaluated the child’s special talent. Kaivalya was awarded a certificate for her remarkable memory and ability to recognise things. At only four months, Kaivalya has become a world record holder because of her unique ability. 

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