Parthivi Bhatia, Class 8, Tagore International School, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi
How glorious would have been that night!
The night of the independent India,
The smiles on the faces
The content in the heart
What a happpppy, happy scene!
Only if ever our leaders could come n see,
Sardar Patel, Nehru or Gandhi ji
The pride and spark in their eyes
How we learnt from them and become better and wise!
No journey is a cake walk
There are always ups and downs,
Now that We are completing seventy-five years,
We are proud, to have achieved all,
How we overcame our fears.
The 1983’s iconic world cup that we won,
Makes us feel, India is always a number one.
Now Neeraj Chopra is taking our flag high
High and up, Above the beautiful sky
Beauty pageant or space success,
We are always powerful and nothing less,
Made us all so proud
And made the world look at us, like an awed crowd
Health is wealth, is what we reason,
From an ailing nation to a Polio and T B free region,
Though one of the most populous country seen,
Yet the largest suppliers of vaccine
But, What makes us different?
All other countries consist of cities,
Don’t they all seem the same
Just difference in the name.
But we in India show the real colorful diverse frame!
Education is not only accessible but is equal and inclusive!
Has been made Compulsory and free,
Study hard and take up courses,
Get the wings and fly high in glee
The green revolution did make,
India a self-sufficient and helping nation
So, Let’s celebrate the glorious 75 years
With hearts filled with patriotism, claps and cheers!
Let’s work hard!
Yess, let’s work hard such that success is loud
And make our history and its heroes even more proud.