In our issue dated August 16-31, 2024, we asked you what you would do if you were invited to live on Mars for a month.
Here’s what two class 5 students from Roots Country School, Panchkula, Haryana, had to say:
Medant Syal says,
If I would be invited to join the crew to live on Mars for a month, I would be really excited and think of all the ways I can make this trip a memorable one for all my life. I will have to remember that for that one month of stay at Mars, I would be travelling in the spaceship for multiple months and so, my first thoughts would be to have a comfortable travel. So, I will carry all my favourites, like my video games, some books to read and one or two board games.
Once on Mars, I would try to grow plants on it using the water underneath its surface. To live there, I would require water for all my needs, like food, drinks and using the washroom, so I would also carry an RO purifier to purify the Mars water before using it. I hope the houses would already be built there and I would choose the best one available. I would also like to move around Mars to see all that is around me and try to study its rocks, oxygen levels and more. If given a chance, I would also take my space helmet off for a second to have fun! I would not have any homework, hurrah! I would take lots of pictures to remember that month and if I enjoy living there, then I would request NASA to reserve a place for me at Mars and send me in a rocket there, to live there and study the RED PLANET.
Rehmat Grover says,
Living on Mars would be an incredible adventure, but it would also be very different from life on Earth. Since there is no breathable air, like astronauts I would have to wear spacesuits all the time to protect myself from the harsh environment. If I would be given the chance to join the crew on Mars for a month, I would be thrilled!
We would explore the rocky landscape, collect samples and study the planet’s surface, writing down everything and taking lots of pictures. Since being on Mars might be tough and communication with Earth would be tricky, we would need to be very independent and able to solve problems on our own. Exploring the Martian surface would be challenging. It would also be an amazing opportunity to learn more about our solar system and maybe prepare something for humans to live on other planets one day!