If I was Gandhi

On the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, which is celebrated annually on October 2–Mahatma Gandhi’s birth anniversary–CECILIA D’SOUZA spoke to a few RobinAgers to know what they would be like if they were a new-age Mahatma Gandhi.

October 01, 2021

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

  • Title: Mahatma / Father of the Nation
  • Dressed in: A khadi dhoti and shawl
  • Studied: Law at the University College, London, UK
  • Believed in: Truth, non-violence and Satyagraha
  • Known for: Working towards equality, social justice and freedom
  • Knew that: The truth is far more powerful than any weapon of mass destruction
  • Fought against: Injustice and racial discrimination
  • Worked to: Be the change he wished to see in the world
  • Led India to: Independence from the British rule
  • His movement was called: Quit India Movement

Atharva Sawant
Class 10, Holy Cross Convent School, Mumbai

You would…

  • Be called: Father of Indian Technology
  • Dress in: A coat and dhoti, which would represent both Indian and western culture
  • Study: Computer science to create new software that would help our country be independent in the field of technology
  • Believe that: One should always think twice before actually doing things
  • Be known for: Promoting the skills of technology and the ‘Use Made in India’ initiative
  • Have a: Calm state of mind
  • Fight against: Hackers and make the world of technology more secure
  • Work to: Secure everyone’s personal world
  • Lead India to: Be more independent in the field of technology
  • Like your movement to be called: Independent Techno India

Sayuri Agrawal
Class 10, Bombay Scottish School, Mumbai

You would…

  • Be called: Next Gen Leader of India
  • Dress in: Gloves and mask to influence others
  • Study: Environmental problems
  • Believe that: Accepting reality is one of the most important rules of life
  • Be known for: Influencing everyone to wear a mask and get vaccinated
  • Have a: Calm state of mind
  • Fight against: People’s mentality against the COVID-19 vaccine
  • Work to: Stop COVID so that life normalises
  • Lead India to: Being COVID-free
  • Like your movement to be called: COVID Relief Movement

Akshita Aneja
Class 8, Gyan Bharati School, Delhi

You would…

  • Be called: The Soul of India
  • Dress in: A khadi shirt and dhoti—it would be related to Indian tradition
  • Study: Indian languages
  • Believe in: Truth, non-violence and spreading peace
  • Be known for: Being an inspiration for others, just like Mahatma Gandhi
  • Have an: Independent state of mind
  • Fight against: Discrimination, like people discriminating against people of lower classes, which is wrong
  • Work to: Help the poor and fight for equal rights for all citizens
  • Lead India to: Success and independence, in the real sense
  • Like your movement to be called: Independent India Movement

Prachi Kothari
Class 7, Children’s Academy, Mumbai

You would…

  • Be called: The Doctor of India’s Freedom
  • Dress in: A tricolour kurti and a bluish-green hairband
  • Study: Psychology and science, so I can combine them
  • Believe in: When we are one, we win
  • Be known for: Generosity, futuristic vision and equality
  • Have a: Merry, kind, peaceful and humane attitude
  • Fight against: Denial of human rights, freedom and equality for all
  • Work to: Bring back our constitutional rights, for the future to be phenomenal and bright
  • Lead India to: Live a peaceful and pleasant life
  • Like your movement to be called: New India Movement

Udeeta Borpujari
Class 7, Army Public School, Assam

You would…

  • Be called: The Peacemaker of India
  • Dress in: A blue unstitched saree because, according to me, blue is a colour of unity, like the sky, which is blue and is above everyone, irrespective of any country, state, religion or educational and economic background. The unstitched attire will signify that I have no stitches to connect me to any worldly pleasures.
  • Study: Political science, economics and environmental science, which would help me develop the country
  • Believe that: Happiness is not in materialistic things; rather it is within us
  • Be known for: Nothing, because I believe that we shouldn’t expect any recognition for the good we do for others. Whatever I do, I do it for my love for everyone and god and I don’t want to be recognised for my service towards him and his children.
  • Have a: Peaceful state of mind because a person can give only what he/ she has. If I am peaceful, then only will I be able to spread peacefulness.
  • Fight against: I won’t try to fight against evil as evil and good are two sides of the same coin. If goodness exists, evil will also exist. So, observing the current situation of India, I would rather fight against the reservation system. We do need reservation, but not based on caste; rather it should be according to the economic and educational background of a candidate in any field.
  • Work to: Control my thoughts, as then everything else will be in control too
  • Lead India to: Be a country where people from around the world would come to find eternal happiness and peace of mind
  • Like your movement to be called: Changes in Reservation Movement

REFLECTION: A Place Called Home

List any 5 cities in the world where Mahatma Gandhi lived.

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