“Little acts can make a big change in every situation.” The pandemic has affected everyone everywhere. Whether you admit it or not everyone required help during the pandemic. Not only doctors and frontline workers but every common man has contributed a lot to this situation. My family and I have helped all those in need. We believe that helping others gives us happiness. We were not even sure if we could do something to help people who needed us, but once started, we could not stop. Helping small groups of people cannot change the whole world but it can change their world.
During this situation, we had a chance to showcase our creativity. With an acute shortage of masks, we saw this as an opportunity and made masks at home using old clothes and donated it to NGOs and frontline workers. We fed those in need by cooking food at home and giving it to poor people in our area.
But life’s important question is what are you doing for elders? Helping elders always brings a smile to our faces. During the lockdown, senior citizens have faced lots of problems in their routine schedules. So we have decided that any youngster going out will ask their elder neighbour if they need anything. We had arranged a vegetable and fruit vendor who would come every alternate day. We, children, taught senior citizens how to order online.
Watching, reading, and listening to the news about COVID-19 can make you slip into depression. To make sure people were living a happy life during COVID-19 we arranged free online game sessions, and it was really amazing to see people of all ages participating enthusiastically.
Since schools, colleges, and offices were closed many of us have faced problems while studying or working from home. Everyone can’t afford to have their own laptops, computers, or mobile phone. We contacted each and every one in our society and asked them to give their house helpers any electronic items in good condition.
Donation is good but does not always mean money. In this COVID-19, if you have fully recovered, by donating your plasma, you can help people who are currently suffering from this virus. I spread awareness “that plasma donation is safe” among my relatives who recovered from COVID-19 and also requested them to donate their plasma. I made posters and signages about taking necessary precautions. We did most of this while sitting at home and that itself was a great help to the country. We all have made sacrifices over the past few months to keep our family and community safe. In this situation, my family and I had two choices, run away from the problems or walk on the harder path. We chose to walk on the harder path and help others. We have been continuing this practice to help others and keep ourselves and others safe.