How One Person Can Change the World 

Samar Bhatia, Class 4, American Embassy School, Delhi

A few days ago at school, we read about climate change. This is where I met Greta Thunberg. Greta was a very shy and invisible girl. She always used to talk about climate change but nobody ever cared about her. She always used to say that ‘the Earth is dying’. To find a solution, she even started to miss school every Friday and called it a school-strike. 

I thought that Greta was just so passionate about climate change that she did not give up so easily. Then she finally got some followers who started to join her every Friday. Students from her city Stockholm, Sweden, and the rest of the world supported her. Greta even got to participate in the climate change conference at the United Nations in Poland. 

Reading about Greta made me think about how one person can change the world. Small steps one person can take may inspire others to follow. 

How One Person Can Change the World

One time my teacher Ms Percy wanted to play soccer with the students. However, the girls refused to play with the boys. Ms Percy had to find a solution. She started playing soccer with the boys herself! She had so much fun and the girls saw that. 

The boys always played soccer on the other side of the pitch very aggressively and the teachers were unhappy about that. After playing with Ms Percy and the girls, even the boys started to play more softly and kindly. 

I learnt that one person could change how students play with each other and their attitudes towards each other. They made it good not just for the teachers, but also good for the students. 

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