Illustrations By: Aradhana Rawat | Published By: Puffin Books | Recommended Age: 5+ years
Written By: Amit Majumdar
Illustrated By: Aradhana Rawat
This book is a lesson in history and it dates back to the time of Mahatma Gandhi’s Salt March. Did you know, the march lasted for 24 days? And that it was non-violent? And did you also know that a team of brown birds kept Gandhi safe? This book is a story of those birds—Thunderfluff, Red Millet, Muttsbane, Lychee, Amli and many others that flew with Gandhi, keeping him company and keeping him safe from the British.
A lot of facts in this book are true; there are stories of dogs and cats, of friendships that formed on the walk, of the scheming Brits and the heroes—the sparrows. And there are some fictional and funny factoids that pepper the book with some excitement. Read the book to know more!
Published By: Puffin Books for Children | www.penguinrandomhouse.com
Recommended Age: 10+ years
Price: ₹299
Available on Amazon.in