Green Heart

Aarna Wadhawan, a class 8 student of Gyan Bharati School, Delhi, is a young environmentalist, animal lover, writer and poet. CECILIA D’SOUZA spoke to her to know more about her contributions to the betterment of the environment.

October 16, 2021

How did you begin your journey as an environmentalist?
The rapid climate change that we are witnessing has become a ‘now or never moment’. All of us need to come under a single umbrella and preserve the planet. I am very fond of trees and believe that there is something magical about them; I am also aware of the fact that trees are important for all the living species on Earth. My main goal in life is to save the environment by saving trees. Because of my deep passion and love for nature, I decided to choose the path of an environmentalist.

I started my journey by planting trees in my colony and then realised that I needed funds to buy plants. I used the money I had received during festivals like Rakhi, Bhai Dooj and Diwali to buy plants. Then, I volunteered for a project by Plantation with I Can Foundation, an NGO, and have planted 310 trees to date. My journey will never stop.

While planting trees, I also saw many abandoned puppies roaming on the streets without any food. It was very painful to see them crying. That is when I decided to feed abandoned dogs with bread and milk. I also inform a local NGO when I spot abandoned puppies so they can take care of them. For my work for abandoned dogs, I was awarded the Kind Student Award by PETA India in 2021.

Who is your role model when it comes to fighting climate change?
When I saw Greta Thunberg raising awareness about climate change with so much enthusiasm, she instantly became my role model. Seeing her do her work so diligently made my heart melt. I would like to meet her one day and join hands with her in her attempt to change the world.

Tell us about your tree plantation initiatives.
Ever since I can remember, I have always been taking part in plantation drives. With my mother, I would also visit camps where we distributed food to the poor and needy. Being a sensitive person, I feel deep pain when I hear of a tree being cut down. Trees contribute to the environment by providing oxygen, improving air quality, supporting climate amelioration, conserving water, preserving soil and supporting wildlife. During the process of photosynthesis, trees take in carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen we breathe. Without trees, the human race will find it tough to survive.

These days, we hear so much about melting glaciers; how do you think we can stop this?
The only way to slow rapid glacial melting is to slow global warming. Each and every one of us needs to make an effort to reduce water waste, start driving a fuel-efficient vehicle, power our homes with renewable energy and avoid deforestation by planting trees in the right places. Only if countries work together will we be able to bring about a change.

Why do you think animals’ needs have to be protected and what should we as individuals do towards this?
Humans are the most advanced animals in the world; we can speak to express ourselves but animals are speechless. It is our duty to help these speechless creatures. Simply caring for and respecting them will make a difference. If every individual cares for them, the world will be a better place.

What is HoverRobotix?
HoverRobotix is the first company to bring the concept of Hoverboards to India. Hoverboards are an eco-friendly, futuristic and personalised means of transportation that hope to bring the human race closer to the artificial intelligence of the robotic world and provide a sustainable future to the upcoming generation.

Do you have a message for our readers?
Every initiative you take to make the world better counts. We have to be respectful, responsible and caring towards our environment. We are the creators of national sustainability and have to conserve the world. We also need to help each other throughout all walks of life. The most tender age comes when people are old. Like the elderly have enjoyed our childhood, we have to enjoy theirs.

You have won a lot of awards; could you list some of them? 

  • I have been recognised by notable environmentalist and Padma Shri awardee Jadav “Molai” Payeng for my efforts and initiatives in plantation drives and reducing pollution.
  • I was the keynote speaker at the Indo Canadian Student Mentoring Summit 2021. I also participated as a speaker in the International Student Exchange Programme where I spoke about the benefits of planting trees.

  • I received the Young Achievers Award on India’s 75th Independence Day.
  • I received an appreciation letter from Member of Parliament Ramesh Bidhuri for planting trees.
  • I was awarded by Anamika Mithilesh Singh, mayor of South Delhi Municipal Corporation, for my humanitarian work.
  • I have been honoured with the outstanding all-round performance award in my school and have also received many appreciation certificates from the NGOs I am attached to for my work.
  • I have won many trophies for inter-school singing competitions. These accolades are significant to me as they express me as an individual and tell my fellow friends that if you decide to achieve your goals, nothing is impossible.
  • On February 12, 2021, I was appointed brand ambassador of HoverRobotix.

LIVE WITH WATER by Aarna Wadhawan

Water is there for every need,
Washing, bathing or planting trees.
Pollution of water leads to aquatic death,
Ban plastic, save their breath.
Clouds are formed by evaporation,
Rainfalls occur through condensation.
The water cycle goes on and on,
Save water from morning to dawn!
The environment is affected by air pollution,
Rain becomes acidic after saturation.
Water can be saved by conservation,
Rainwater harvesting should be done
in this situation.
Water can be in any form—solid,
liquid or gaseous state,
I also drink water to hydrate.
Save water save Earth,
Every drop counts, save it for new birth.

REFLECTION: Green Warrior

Write a short note on an environmentalist you admire.

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