Greater White-toothed Shrew Discovered 

The greater white-toothed shrew has become the first new mammal species to be discovered in the UK since the 1920s.

November 16, 2022

The greater white-toothed shrew has become the first new mammal species to be discovered in the UK since the 1920s. The discovery was made after a picture of the mammal caught by a cat in Sunderland, UK, was shared on social media.

This is the first time that the shrew has been seen in Britain. After an ecologist came across these pictures, the animal was tested and the breed was confirmed by experts from the British Mammal Society. Ecologists are concerned that this newly discovered species could eliminate UK’s pygmy shrew population.

Did You Know?
It is believed that in 2007, when greater white-toothed shrews were discovered in Ireland, a huge number of pygmy shrews were eliminated.

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