Graphic Designer

What you need to do to build a career as a graphic Designer

To be a graphic designer, you need to complete your: 

  • Class 12 in any stream. 
  • Undergraduate common entrance examinations such as the Undergraduate Common Entrance Examination for Design (UCEED) for IIT, the Symbiosis Entrance Exam for Design (SEED) for Symbiosis Institute of Design or the Creative Ability Test (CAT) and General Ability Test (GAT) for National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT). 
  • Bachelor’s degree in fine arts (BFA) or BSc Multimedia. 
  • Common Entrance Examination for Design (CEED) for a master’s degree. 
  • Master’s in fine arts (MFA). 
  • Certificate course in 3D animation—a three- to six-month course after class 10, class 12, BFA or MFA. 
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