Gel Robots Developed 

Scientists at John Hopkins University, USA, have developed small gelatin robots that will help deliver medicines to specific places in the human body.

February 01, 2023

Scientists at John Hopkins University, USA, have developed small gelatin robots that will help deliver medicines to specific places in the human body. Powered by temperature, these robots will contain medicines that they will withhold until they reach the targeted area in the body.

This will ensure the release of high-concentration drugs directly to the right area, making the treatment of diseases more efficient. The shrinking and swelling of the gel in response to temperature would help the robot to move. Scientists hope to replace injections and pills that have dangerous side effects with these gelbots in the future.

Did You Know?
Robotic vacuum cleaners like Roombas have sensors that enable them to move and clean the floor.

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REFLECTION: Cleaning Made Easy

Do some research and write a short note on how vacuum cleaners were invented.

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