Forecasting Dengue Outbreaks 

A new study found that trends in global dengue epidemics can be forecast using the Indian Ocean’s sea surface temperature data.

June 16, 2024 

A new study found that trends in global dengue epidemics can be forecast using the Indian Ocean’s sea surface temperature data. According to researchers, mosquito breeding and the transmission of dengue around the world are linked to warmer sea surface temperatures and using sea surface temperature data as a climate indicator could enhance the prediction of the disease’s outbreak. The researchers found that the Indian Ocean basin-wide index (IOBW), which represents the average of sea surface temperature anomalies across the Indian Ocean, can be used to forecast dengue outbreaks in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres and could help authorities with their preparedness efforts. 

Mosquitoes lay around 100 to 200 eggs at a time. 

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