Focus. When the word ‘focus’ is presented in front of you, what do you think? You imagine an elevated monk. You may imagine doing something with such precision that it can’t be replicated. You may also imagine that you can do anything by having certain amount of focus – even fly. But focus is one of those words which is a small word having a meaning as deep as a black hole.
Before we talk about being focused on certain things; let’s talk about when you say you are NOT focused. You say you are not focused when you feel like you are doing something which is a deviation from your typical life. Life can be pulchritudinous if you don’t take your job as a big burden. An important point to stay focused is to be in the moment. You should take things as a “to be” not as a “to do”. Because as soon a tense of the verb “to do” comes, things start becoming a chore. If you consider yourself focused then, you can’t be lackadaisical about any job you do as I have justified before, to be is to be.
As Shakespeare rightly wrote in his famous book ‘Hamlet’ – “To be or not to be”. At the end of the day, the choice is yours. In this age of instant gratification, when you are doing something, you don’t particularly like figments of your fertile imagination start bothering you, like “When is the next version of that game going to come up?”, “What shall I have for lunch; pizza, pasta or a risotto?” While thinking all this, you probably ended up putting salt in your tea – or something ironic like that.
I will give you a real-life example, whenever I feel bored or just not interested to do my homework it ends up having tons of wrong answers or of bad handwriting. Which is why go out to play first. After returning in a fresh mood, I crack on to my homework, and before the blink of an eye my homework is second to none. When you become focused and even for a few seconds if you have got rid of your distractions, you feel eternal happiness. At the end, all a good old man needs is contentment.