Earth’s Sinking Crust 

Scientists recently found that a process known as differentiation has been taking place under the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California, USA, for millions of years.

March 16, 2025 

Scientists recently found that a process known as differentiation has been taking place under the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California, USA, for millions of years. According to scientists, during this process, the lighter layers of the Earth’s crust stay on top while the heavy layers sink into the mantle. They found that this process has reached different phases along different parts of the mountain range. The process is at the initial phase in the northern section of the mountain range, while it is still in progress in the central section. In the mountain range’s southern section, the Earth’s layer has already descended into the mantle. The process of differentiation is believed to have led to the formation of continents. Therefore, this discovery will provide scientists significant insights into ancient geological activities. 

The continents are in continuous motion due to plate tectonics. 

Sierra Nevada Mountains
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