Saanvi Kumar, Class 7, Hiranandani Foundation School, Powai, Mumbai
August, 2023
If I could make one last wish, I would ask God to change all these ruthless humans to kind hearted trees. Then only would they understand what it’s like to live a life full of hardship and despair.
Whenever I see someone throwing plastic waste near the banks of river or in the forests, I ask them, “Why are you not throwing the waste in the dustbin?”. I often get a rude and one-sided answer, “Who cares?”
Well… I care, the trees care, the nature cares, the innocent animals going extinct care, millions of poor people and children care. But these heartless humans don’t care!
Today, if someone plants a sapling in a barren land, people will shout and jeer saying, ” What are planting it for? This is not your land, this is for residential purpose.” But when someone cuts a tree why don’t you ever find the nerve to say, “What are you cutting it for? This is not your land, this is a part of the forest!”
Humans have gone blind over the past few decades. Blind by money, power, wealth, greed and extravagant lifestyle. They live on Earth and help in spreading toxic gases, they hunt animals for their skin and meat. They use the planet like there’s one more waiting for them to destroy. I can humbly say that humans are the worst creatures ever existed on the planet.
It is a fact that Beavers, a species of rodents, helps fight climate change. When these hardworking animals know their purpose for life, why don’t we? Why can’t we learn from all these precious animals who contribute to our planet.
We call our planet, ‘Mother Earth’ but we don’t give respect and love to our Earth like we do to our mother.
Never think that animals and plants can’t talk, they talk with us through their actions. But if they could speak, they would definitely ask us, why are we so heartless and greedy. And even if you don’t answer me, one day you will have to answer the nature’s call.