E-Tattoo to Monitor Blood Pressure 

Scientists have devised an electronic tattoo that can be conveniently worn on the wrist to monitor blood pressure levels.

August 01, 2022

Scientists at the University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M University in USA have devised an electronic tattoo that can be conveniently worn on the wrist to monitor blood pressure levels. The e-tattoo consists of a graphene sensor that is enclosed in a sticky flexible material that sticks to the skin for many hours.

To take measurements, the device shoots an electric current into the skin and analyses the body’s reaction. As this device can be worn continuously, it can monitor an individual’s blood pressure in different situations—while asleep, while exercising and during stressful times. This device will provide a clear understanding of how the body is functioning.

Did You Know?
Graphene is one of the thinnest and strongest materials. It is stronger and stiffer than diamonds, but can be stretched like rubber.

Image Source: wonderfulengineering.com
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