According to a new study conducted by researchers at the Royal Observatory of Belgium, it was found that the debris emitted due to an asteroid impact led to the extinction of dinosaurs and other species rather than the asteroid itself.
According to a new study conducted by researchers at the Royal Observatory of Belgium, it was found that the debris emitted due to an asteroid impact led to the extinction of dinosaurs and other species rather than the asteroid itself. Around 66 million years ago, an enormous asteroid hit the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico and its catastrophic effects caused the majority of the Earth’s species to go extinct. Scientists have been uncertain of the exact cause of the extinction. Previous research suggested it was soot from the wildfires and the sulphur let out during the asteroid’s collision that blocked out the sun and caused a global winter. However, the new study found that fine dust made up of pulverised rock was expelled into the atmosphere during the asteroid strike and remained there for about 15 years, obstructing the sun’s rays. Due to this event, plants were not able to carry out photosynthesis, which eventually destroyed the food web.
Did You Know?
With a height of approximately 60ft, the Sauroposeidon is believed to be the tallest dinosaur.