Demolition of Supertech’s Twin Towers

Real estate developer Supertech’s twin skyscrapers in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, were demolished on August 28 based on orders of the Supreme Court, as the buildings did not comply with construction norms.

September 16, 2022
  • Real estate developer Supertech’s twin skyscrapers in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, were demolished on August 28 based on orders of the Supreme Court, as the buildings did not comply with construction norms.
  • Located in Emerald Court Housing Society, Noida, the towers Apex and Ceyane were constructed in an area that was supposed to be a garden as per the original building plan.
  • This was India’s first demolition of a building that was taller than 99mts.
  • The illegally built 100mt-tall buildings were demolished in 12 seconds using the controlled waterfall implosion technique.
  • 9,642 holes were drilled in the two buildings and 3,700kgs of explosives were used for the demolition.
  • The demolition left behind approximately 80,000 tonnes of debris and a huge amount of smoke that spiked air pollution in the city.
  • According to the firm that carried out the demolition, 50,000 tonnes of the debris has been absorbed by the basement of the demolished towers, while the rest will be disposed in three months.
  • Residents around the demolition site are worried the explosion and debris will worsen pre-existing pollution and respiratory problems in the area.
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