Deepest Blue Hole in the World 

Scientists discovered that the Taam Ja’ Blue Hole (TJBH) located in Chetumal Bay off Mexico’s coast is deeper than what was estimated previously, making it the world’s deepest blue hole.

June 01, 2024  

Scientists discovered that the Taam Ja’ Blue Hole (TJBH) located in Chetumal Bay off Mexico’s coast is deeper than what was estimated previously, making it the world’s deepest blue hole. A blue hole is a large marine sinkhole or cavern. Scientists were able to measure TJBH’s depth more accurately using a device called a conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) profiler during an expedition conducted in December 2023. As per the new measurements, TJBH reaches a depth of at least 1,380ft below sea level, 480ft deeper than what scientists estimated in 2021 when it was first discovered. It is also around 390ft deeper than the Dragon Hole in the South China Sea, which held the record for being the deepest blue hole previously. 

The Great Blue Hole situated off the coast of Belize measures around 1,000ft across and is almost perfectly circular. 

The Great Blue Hole | Image Source:
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