Class 2 Student Wins Over 50 Chess Tournaments

Tvesha Jain, a class 2 student at Green Lawns High School, Mumbai, is a young chess champion who has won over 50 chess tournaments in the span of two and a half years.

November 16, 2022

Tvesha Jain, a class 2 student at Green Lawns High School, Mumbai, is a young chess champion who has won over 50 chess tournaments in the span of two and a half years. She began playing chess at the age of three. She bagged second place in the International Online Youth Chess Championship 2022 under-8 girls’ category that was organised by Sri Lanka in January. Her other achievements include bagging a bronze in the National Schools under-7 tournament in Odisha and winning third place in the National Chess Championship under-7 girls’ category in Gujarat.

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