Class 1 Student Sets Record for Performing 100 Yoga Asanas

Madhavan, a class 1 student at Panchayat Union Primary School, Tamil Nadu, has been recognised by the Nobel World Records for performing 100 yoga asanas while chanting 100 Tirukkurals or Tamil couplets.

July 16, 2024 

Madhavan, a class 1 student at Panchayat Union Primary School, Tamil Nadu, has been recognised by the Nobel World Records for performing 100 yoga asanas while chanting 100 Tirukkurals or Tamil couplets. The five-year-old managed to achieve this feat in 15 minutes and 14 seconds. Madhavan has been doing yoga from the age of two and has been trained by his father. He learns Tirukkurals from his mother. He has won numerous awards for his yoga skills. 

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