China’s Nengchu-1 Project  

China’s Nengchu-1 project, the first 300 MW compressed air energy storage (CAES) demonstration project in the world, began operating in January.

February 16, 2025 

China’s Nengchu-1 project, the first 300 MW compressed air energy storage (CAES) demonstration project in the world, began operating in January. CAES is a technique in which compressed air is employed to store energy that can be used in the future. Nengchu-1 can store 700,000m³ of gas underground and can produce 500 million kWh of electricity in a year. This fossil-fuel-free method of energy production will cut down the consumption of coal, leading to cleaner energy production and a sustainable future. This facility, located in Yingcheng, will reduce carbon emissions and help China shift to a greener future. 

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