Chandragupta Maurya: The Legendary King

One of the earliest Indian empires was the Mauryan Empire, rising to power in 321 BC. The empire was founded by a boy nobody had ever heard of, but he went ahead and established a kingdom with steadfast morals and a proper system of administration and general management, with only a few years of training as compared to other royals, who trained for one role their entire lives. That boy was Chandragupta Maurya, an emperor known for his strategic prowess and administrative skills, which helped him shape the political landscape of the subcontinent.

BirthAlthough there are multiple theories about Maurya’s origin and childhood, there is no evidence, and his early life is thus unclear. Some suggest that he was a secret, abandoned child of the Nanda Dynasty and others say that he was born into a tribal family of pastoralists and hunters. He is t
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