Learn the fastest mental math system at Prodigy Club's vedic math in a gamified manner
City as Lab (CaL) is India’s only platform for schoolchildren to conduct original enquiry projects
Learn about different types of coughs and easy remedies from an expert.
Hello there! What comes to your mind when you think of a Serpent? Snakes and
Children generally tend to be very picky about what they eat. This can hamper their
As per Ayurveda, adding cow ghee to the diet of growing children is recommended as
Ayurveda recommends using tongue cleaners along with regular brushing of the teeth as it helps
Ayurveda suggests avoiding eating junk food as it may aggravate dry cough. Also, avoid sleeping
The ancient Indian medical practice of Ayurveda recommends sunbathing by spending 15 minutes in early
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