One must always keep good health and keep the body fit to conduct daily activities.
The third book of the Hitopadesa is on waging war. In the opening chapter, the
The stories in the Hitopadesa expose many intricate complexities of human nature. One would think
The Hitopadesa is a collection of stories that teach statecraft and wisdom using simple parables.
The third book of the Hitopadesa is called Vigraha, which means ‘quarrel and war’. In
The Hitopadesa, which is believed to have been composed by Vishnu Sarma around 200 BC,
The Hitopadesa, which is believed to have been composed by Vishnu Sarma around 200 BC,
The Hitopadesa is a collection of stories that teach statecraft and wisdom using simple parables.
We begin our series on stories from the Hitopadesa with a simple story about the
There are many myths around the world that talk about how earth is treated as