Caring for Animals

June 5 is designated as World Environment Day by the United Nations. This day reminds people about the issues Mother Earth faces and encourages them to protect and conserve the environment. Animals help in maintaining biodiversity and are an important part of the ecosystem. We must care for animals and protect their rights.

The students of Bombay International School (BIS), Mumbai, have been supporting animal welfare through an initiative called ‘Take a Paws’. SCARLETT RODRIGUES spoke to the students heading this initiative to find out more about it. Here’s what they had to say.

June 01, 2024 

Rayaan Patel
Class 11

RobinAge Cover Story - Caring for Animals

Tell us about the ‘Take a Paws’ initiative. 
‘Take a Paws’ is a benefit concert that raises funds for animal welfare organisations. This year, the concert will take place on July 20 at our school campus in Mumbai. The proceeds from this year’s concert will go to Peepal Farm, a rescue and recovery home for animals in Himachal Pradesh, and the Bombay Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BSPCA), an animal hospital in Mumbai. The concert will include amazing performances by bands, singers and dancers. 

RobinAge Cover Story - Caring for Animals

How did ‘Take a Paws’ start? 
The initiative was founded by Ananya Mehra and Diya Chitrabhanu, alumni of BIS, and a few other students. The first concert was organised in 2019 and the second edition took place online in 2020. In 2023, the third edition was led by Trishla Chitrabhanu and Agastya Mehra, current students at BIS, who brought the concert back to its live format. This year, my batchmate Mishka Bhosle and I are carrying ‘Take a Paws’ forward with its fourth edition. To know more about the previous concert editions and our progress this year, you can follow our Instagram account @take_a_paws01 

How has the initiative progressed over the years? 
We have seen tremendous growth over the past five years. We managed to raise ₹10 lakhs in 2020. In 2023, we raised ₹12 lakhs and this year our goal is to exceed that amount! So far, we have raised ₹7.7 lakhs as well as ₹9 lakhs through corporate social responsibility (CSR) donations. 

How can people support the initiative? 
You can attend the show on July 20 by booking tickets for it through BookMyShow. You can also directly support the initiative through the fundraising link:

RobinAge Cover Story - Caring for Animals

What improvements can India make with regards to animal welfare and the environment? 
India can enhance animal welfare and protect the environment by implementing stricter laws against animal cruelty, encouraging the adoption of homeless pets and increasing efforts to conserve natural habitats. With the extreme levels of pollution we see in major Indian cities, countless animal species are being driven out of their homes or even going extinct. It is important to keep pollution under control. Additionally, educating people about the importance of treating animals with kindness and preserving the environment for future generations can make a big difference. 

Mishka Bhosle
Class 11

RobinAge Cover Story - Caring for Animals

What inspired you to get involved with ‘Take a Paws’? 
Rayaan and I have been participating in ‘Take a Paws’ over the years and have seen the initiative grow tremendously ever since it started. Fostering, adopting and owning pets for most of our lives, along with our passion for singing and performing, made this the perfect opportunity for us to take on and make a difference. When I was younger, I fostered three cats named Luke, Leia and Chewie. I went on to adopt a cat named Yoda and she has become an important part of my life. 

How can children participate in animal welfare activities or care for animals in their day-to-day lives? 
Children can volunteer, foster, adopt animals or support animal welfare by donating to organisations such as Welfare of Stray Dogs (WSD), Animal Aid Unlimited and In Defense of Animals. They can also support Peepal Farm and BSPCA, the organisations we are assisting through ‘Take a Paws’. Children can also help animals by being kind to them and feeding them. 

It is also important that we are aware of how our actions impact the environment and animals. Activities like bursting crackers and polluting our surroundings disturb and affect innocent animals negatively. We need to act responsibly to ensure that animals are protected. 

RobinAge Cover Story - Caring for Animals

What role can children play in protecting the environment? 
We are the next generation! If we don’t help protect the environment, then there won’t be an environment left to protect. Small steps such as recycling, avoiding energy wastage, avoiding the production of waste and living an environmentally friendly lifestyle may seem insignificant on an individual level, but can go a long way. 

Today’s children have the voice and power to educate and spread awareness among people about environmental concerns, which can help influence large companies and governments to be more eco-friendly. Social media has eased communication and played a remarkable role in transforming the way we connect with the world. Spreading awareness through social media or even within schools and residential communities can have a direct positive impact on our society and the world. 

REFLECTION: Save Our Planet

Create a preamble for a ‘Save the Environment’ initiative. E-mail your preamble to [email protected] and the best ones will be featured in RobinAge.

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