Siddharth Shyam Dokula, Class 10, The Crossword School, Guntur
Playing God: Victor Frankenstein’s Destructive Ambition
Character Analysis: Victor Frankenstein
I am reading sci-fiction/horror novel, Frankenstein (1818), written by Mary Shelley. The book introduced a new kind of human-made monsters into the 19th century European society. It is a first-person narrative.
Victor Frankenstein, the protagonist, has a very chaotic relationship with his destiny. He belongs to Genevese Frankenstein family and has very high IQ. He is a fair guy who is perfect at almost everything. He is a follower of old philosophers.
Frankenstein narrates the story with a lot of suspense. He describes his teachers, colleagues, friends, relatives and more importantly his father, a person of science. He often goes on voyages. He studies science and technology after being inspired by some science fiction authors. To be more specific, he is mainly interested in living sciences, which makes him create a perfect sentient creature with awfully high capacity of learning. His creation, also called the Frankenstein’s Monster, or simply Adam, goes on a rampage killing his family members. It holds grudge against its own creator.
Why is Frankenstein’s Monster furious with its own creator? Read the book to find what happens next.
August, 2024