There lived a girl named Matilda Barns. She was 12 years old. She had a pet cat named Sammy Whiskers, Sammy for short. She lived in a small town, her parents were very rich, in fact their house was the biggest in town. Matilda lived the life of every other girl of her age. She went to the best school; however, she was an average student in her class. Her parents worked very hard for their daughter’s better education and for her comfort. Matilda was a very brave girl nothing ever seemed to scare her. But she had one fear, and it was exploring the attic of her house. Now you might think it is a silly thing to be afraid of but think again, her attic was the spookiest place for her. She had only gone into the attic once in her life when she was five years old. Her parents questioned her, but she never answered them. So, on her 13th birthday, she got the courage needed to explore the attic. She took a flashlight and climbed the ladder which led to the attic. She entered her attic and found some fascinating things like old dresses, toys and other family treasures. Then, something suddenly caught her attention, a large trunk. She went closer to it. She saw big letters written on the lid; it stated, ‘The Family History of Barns’. She opened the lid and saw an old-fashioned book; it looked like a diary. She took the diary in her hands and continued to explore the attic then she saw another box, at first glance, she thought it was junk but when she opened the box, she couldn’t believe what she saw……
It was a bloody letter and beneath it were bones! The letter seemed old, but the blood looked fresh! She thought “Who would plant a letter and bones in their attic”. So, she took the diary, the bloody letter and the bones to her parents.
Her parents took the two things, her mother took the dairy, her father held the bloody letter and Matilda kept looking at the bones. Her father asked, “Did any of your friends hide here when you were playing hide and seek?” Matilda replied, “Yes… well, maybe… but that was ages ago!” Her mother then said, “This diary is very old, and these bones seem strange too.”
Matilda asked if she could see the diary and the letter. The letter was written in big, bold letters: “YOU ARE CURSED” The diary was boring in the beginning.
After dinner, Matilda felt nervous then she went to her school and told her friends about everything. They seemed confused then she returned home. Her parents looked a little scared while reading the letter, she asked them what happened to those things. Her mother said, “We figured out the bloody letter, and we will find out about the bones soon”. Matilda asked, “So the bloody letter, what did you figure out?”, her mother said, “It was none other than your uncle who put it there, I told him about it yesterday and he laughed and said he had planted the letter, as you know, he has a great interest in horror stories”. Then her father told her they had sent the bones to a forensic lab and that they said they’d call back in 30 minutes. When the phone rang, Matilda’s heart thundered in her chest as her father got the phone. Matilda desperately asked, “So what did they say?” Her father said the bones are toys that belonged to your great grandfather. The bones have magnets in them and when you connect, they make a spectacular shape. Matilda was so relieved that she wanted a jump of joy.
Then her father said, “Let me recall my childhood days….”, he continues, “I remember, your grandfather was having great interest in making strange antique items specifically toys for children. His intention might have been good as toys are beneficial for the mental development of children. As you know, that was not an era of battery-operated toys and cartoon movies. “Then so what?” Matilda was very curious. Her father continued, “I remember he made some bone toys for us; however, I don’t remember its material. I think he wanted to teach us the human anatomy… At that time, we used to wonder how bones move around and connect with each other.” He smiled and continued, “Now the laboratory has revealed the secret that Magnets were fitted in the bones.” Then Matilda addressed herself,” We envy by the way our father has been brought up.” She thought,” Can we get rid of our mobile phones.”
But she still wouldn’t step a foot in her attic after that.
February, 2025