Bird Watching Improves Mental Health 

A new study found that birdwatching can play a significant role in reducing stress levels and improving the mental health of people, particularly college students.

July 01, 2024 

A new study found that birdwatching can play a significant role in reducing stress levels and improving the mental health of people, particularly college students. For the study, a group of college students was asked to engage in birdwatching and make a note of the bird species they came across. Another group of students was asked to go on nature walks. While both activities impacted students’ mental health positively, the study found that the students who engaged in birdwatching reported a higher level of stress reduction and mental well-being than the group that engaged in nature walks. The study shows that bird watching could help address mental health problems faced by the youth. 

Watch this video to learn how different bird species make their nests 

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