Australia Offers Help to Tuvalu

Australia got into an agreement with Tuvalu, a small island country in the Pacific Ocean, offering residents of the country refuge due to the impacts of climate change.

December 16, 2023 

Australia got into an agreement with Tuvalu, a small island country in the Pacific Ocean, offering residents of the country refuge due to the impacts of climate change. Tuvalu is among the countries that face a high risk due to rising sea levels. The highest point of the island nation is only around 4.5mts above sea level and the whole country could be submerged within the next century. Under the new agreement, Australian visas will be given to 280 Tuvalu citizens per year allowing them to study, work, live and avail of other facilities in Australia.

Did You Know?
Tuvalu is the world’s fourth smallest country with a total land area of only around 26sq kms.

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ACTIVITY: Water World

Name any 5 cities that face a high risk due to rising sea levels.

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