Art Inspired by Wassily Kandinsky 

Wassily Kandinsky was a Russian painter and art theorist, widely regarded as the pioneer of abstract art. A trained musician, he combined art and music in his work. He is known for incorporating geometric shapes and vibrant colours into his paintings. His most famous works are ‘Composition VII’ completed in 1913 and ‘Yellow-Red-Blue’ completed in 1925.

Here’s how you can make your own art inspired by Wassily Kandinsky


  • Cartridge sheet or watercolour paper 
  • Pencil 
  • Ruler 
  • Acrylic paints or watercolours 


  • Draw 3 to 4 rough sketches of designs that include musical instruments, symbols or geometrical shapes. You can use a combination of these sketches to make your final piece. This is abstract art and can include anything you like. 
  • Start by drawing a border. Draw it as lightly as possible so it’s easy to make changes if you’ve made a mistake. Use geometric instruments or draw freehand. 
  • Start painting with the lightest colour first. To begin, wet the brush and wipe out the excess water. Use the wet brush to go over the area on the page that is to be coloured. Take a bit of yellow colour and start painting. Use the water to spread the colour and shade it. Work in circular motions as it will help you spread the colour evenly. Since you have wet the paper, the colour will only spread in the desired area. After you finish with the yellow, use a bit of red to shade the painting. Then let it dry before you move on to the next colour. It is important to finish using one colour at a time or else the colours will get muddled. 
  • Use the same technique to colour the other areas of the painting. It is important to balance the colours in the painting. If you are using yellow on top, use it somewhere at the bottom too. If you want some areas to be dark, first add colour to the painting and then use a clean wet brush to lighten the colour. This technique has been applied to the red portions of the painting. The paper might begin to warp because of the water, but that’s okay. 
  • Use different brushes for every colour. Control your paint and shades by the amount of water you use. If you need to merge colours, do so when the paint is wet. Rotate the paper to paint on the other side. Mix and match colours. 
  • Lastly, try a method called glazing in which you can use a different colour over a dry colour to form a new colour. The first colour must be dry, as it gives an interesting effect to the painting. 
  • Use black last to finish the painting. 
  • Use a double coat of black. Ensure you use another brush for the second coat and don’t use a lot of water as the paint shouldn’t get diluted. 
  • Finally, give your painting and the objects in it a border. Use a fine brush and roll it in the paint first. Start from the left and move to the right to outline the objects. You can also use a pen or a marker but paint gives a better effect. Your abstract painting is ready! 

Jai Ranjit is a self-taught artist from Mumbai.
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