Around Me I See

Shiva Karthikeya, Class 5, Global Edge School, Hyderabad

Around me, I see everything but trees,
Around me, I see animals not free,
Around me, I see everywhere many flies,
Around me, I see the birds giving their byes,
Around me, I see the glaciers melting with gloom,
Around me, I see the weapons going boom!
Around me, I see trash filling up every room,
Around me, I see vehicles emitting gases by a vroom!
Around me, I see the ozone layer diminishing,
Around me, I see the water is finishing,
Around me, I see all the fish getting fished,
Around me, I see the aquatic life seized,
Around me, I see no one to heed the problem,
Around me, I see no one to solve them,
Around me, I see time passing and going zoom!
Around me, I see nothing but doom!

March, 2025

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