Antarctic Electric Vehicle Redesigned  

Venturi Antarctica electric explorer, Antarctica’s first and only electric vehicle (EV), was upgraded to deal with the effects of climate change.

March 01, 2023

Venturi Antarctica electric explorer, Antarctica’s first and only electric vehicle (EV), was upgraded to deal with the effects of climate change. The vehicle, which was initially designed to function in the sub-zero temperatures of the region, has now been modified to adjust to the rising temperature of the South Pole.

The modifications include redesigned wheels, a new ventilation system and air intake to stop the vehicle from overheating during operations. It also includes the replacement of sprockets to enhance the vehicle’s capabilities.

Did You Know?
In order for the world to limit global warming to 1.5˚C compared to pre-industrial levels by the year 2,100, greenhouse gas emissions need to halve by 2030.

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