” At last the exams are end. Now, I can draw for hours. Minu opens her drawing notebook and starts to draw a rough sketch. She loves to draw and in hare she actually feels like herself.
she can feel the harmony of her life through drawing. While drawing, she takes out everything that can distract her from drawing.
In an alone room, she draws her own happiness and emotions through pictures. While drawing, she does not notice anything else but her brushes, pencils, the drawing notebook and ultimately the final sketch.
After drawing a rough sketch she takes up her permanent sketch pencil and redoes the lines that needs to be straightforward.
He has drawn a window opened and outside the window, a beautiful scenery can be seen. The warm sunlight enters through the window. Though the drawing has adapted a mastery with great imagination, Minu feels something missing. She starts thinking about what to add to the picture to make it complete.
All things are going well until Minu hears an unknown sound!
During drawing she either hears the “tick-tick” sound of the clock or the rough sound of the pencil while making sketches. But this sound is unknown to Minu. She can’t concentrate on drawing. She looks hither and thither to find the source of the ridiculous sound. After some seconds, she understands that the sound is coming from the windows. The wooden windows are shut down and fixed it with mosquito nets. Minu touches the windows once. No change occurs.
“That means, this sound is coming from the outside.” She thinks and opens the window quickly.
“Aahh…” She cries and falls on the bed. There is something, stuck upon the mosquito net. It is white in colour. As soon as Mina cries, the white thing disappears from the window. It jumps from the window.
Now instead of that scratching sound, Minu hears “Meow!”
Minu becomes a statue for sometimes. She laughs out loud after realising everything. With this incident, she remembers what her sister said to her some days ago, “Sister, do you know that the neighbour’s cat comes around our house at night. She plays with the mosquito nets, fixed with our windows and again returns back to her home after playing.”
Minu stands up and shuts the window. Having a smile on her lips, she sits again to draw. She gets a wonderful idea after this incident. She adds a black cat, sitting at the corner of the window.
“Now, it’s perfect” She smiles and starts filling colours in sketch. Thus, an unknown sound makes her incomplete drawing, “complete.”
December, 2024