Nancy Florence, Class 6, Delhi Public School
Algebra is a part of math where you use letters to represent numbers that you don’t know. You can find that value using other values that you know, and the rules of algebra. It might sound boring, but algebra is used in many subjects, like engineering, physics and computer science. So, let’s hop right in!
An algebraic equation can be seen like a balancing scale. Let’s say that we have an apple on one side of the weighing scale. On that side, there is also two weights. On the other side, there are six weights. The balance shows that the values on both sides are equal. So, how many weights will the apple weigh?
The answer is simple. First, let’s break down the problem. If on one side, there are 6 weights, and on the other side there is the apple PLUS the 2 extra weights. So, the problem we need to solve is like this:
apple’s weight + 2 weights = 6 weights.
But in equations, we don’t write long statements like these. In equations, it’s not necessary to write units, like kg, km etc., or in this case, weights. So, we can remove that. And, the apple’s weight can be expressed using a letter, known as a “variable”. We will use the letter “a”, but the letter “x” is the most common.
Back to the equation. Our equation now is: a + 4 = 6
This is our current equation. But, if this was your homework, you wouldn’t submit THIS to your teacher, right?
Let’s solve the problem: We can transport the numbers, and to do so, we need to change the operators.
6 – 2 = a
Now, we can solve the problem.
a = 4
There! Now, we know that the apple weighs 4 weights.
Here is a puzzle that you could try. It’s a bit tricky, so try your best!
You have a bag of sweets. Your friend takes six sweets, which is two-thirds the total amount. Now, you have one-third of the sweets left. How many sweets did you START with?
Try to solve it!
Let’s check if you got it right:
2/3 of the sweets = 6 sweets
1/3 * 3 = x
And, when 2/3 = 6, then 1/3 = 3.
When we multiply 3 by 3, then we will get it.
January, 2025