Agniya: The Fire Boy

Yash Gohad, Class 6, Sevasadan English Medium School, Pune

Agnirajya, the world of fire, had fire beings that included people, plants and animals. A boy was born to the king and queen of Agnirajya. He was named ‘Agniya’ to represent their god Agnidev. Agniya was just three years old when his parents went missing. So, he learnt everything by himself. As Agniya was growing up, the minister would say “We don’t have a king. You can inherit the throne.” But Agniya would reply “We do not know whether my mother and father are alive or not. I cannot just take his place”. When Agniya was 18, he decided to search for his parents as now he was fit, strong and ready!

On the Search:
Agniya took out his sword and rode with his horse ‘Surya’ to other planets. But found no sign of his parents. There was only one planet left, the Earth. He went inside the beautiful planet with greenery and lots of water. It was different from his Agnirajya world. He met a person named ‘Rishi Vrundadatta’. Agniya told him the entire story and the rishi decided to train him to face any obstacles.

The Training Began:
First Agniya was taught how to use a sword. Agniya mastered it well. Next, he had to do a ‘Parkour’ course. He was able to learn that too. Then the rishi showed him how to solve a Rubiks Cube, play chess and solve maths problems to make his mind more calculative and sharper.

The Secret Fire Power:
The rishi realized that Agniya had a hidden power of fire given by his parents and so, he said to Agniya “My child, you have a secret hidden fire power. But to unlock it you have to meditate for five days”. He agreed and started meditating. All he thought about was a single bright dot and he was observing it. After five days he got the great fire power.

Fly to Demon Planet:
Now that Agniya had great power, he used his mind power and realized that his parents were trapped inside of a Demon Planet. He then took blessings from the rishi and used his flying powers to go to the Demon Planet. He also gifted the rishi his horse ‘Surya’. As Agniya flew to space, many space bots attacked him but he fought them all by using his fire powers. He then travelled through a portal and reached the place where the demon planet was.

Which Demon Planet?
When Agniya reached the place, he saw that there were nine demon planets of nine colours: red, blue, black, pink, purple, yellow, grey green and brown. Seeing them Agniya got puzzled. ‘Which one to choose’, he wandered. He used his super vision and saw that the seventh demon planet coloured red had his parents caged by the evil demon ‘Agniasur’. He flew there and entered Agniasur’s kingdom.

The Battle Begins!
Agniya had a special sword called ‘Agniastra’. He used it to fight against Agniasur. He fought and fought but lost because of Agniasur’s weapon named ‘Valadhastra’ which could absorb all of his attacks, powers and his strength. Agniya understood this and then started throwing big magma rocks at him. But that also did not work and soon Agniasur’s weapon absorbed all of Agniya’s strength. Now Agniya became strengthless. Then he remembered that he has the great fire power. So, he used all of it and crushed the demon and turned him into ashes. Even though he lost his powers, he was happy to see his parents after such a long time.

After the demon turned into ashes a voice spoke, “By killing the demon you got all your strengths back but to free your parents, you need to find a key”. Agniya searched the planet, and on his way, he killed more demons who attacked him, climbed over mountains of bones, crossed the rivers of blood until he finally found a temple. He went inside to search for the key. He fought demons, had to complete certain tasks such as solving a rubiks cube, doing a parkour course, playing chess with a very intelligent demon and dodged some arrows that came out when he put his feet on a pressure plate. He then realized that all of these things were taught to him by the rishi. He then entered a big door and there he saw a room. There was a demon guardian who was guarding the key. He killed the demon guard and took the key. And then he got his parents freed from the cage. Finally, they were reunited and now they went back to the earth to tell the rishi about the happenings. The rishi was overjoyed but then, he asked a wish to Agniya’s parents.

A Rishi’s wish:
Agniya’s parents were a bit worried about what the rishi’s wish will be. Looking at their expressions the rishi smiled and said that he wished to see the Agnirajya and be a teacher in its school. Agniya’s parents agreed because the rishi had helped Agniya so much and so the rishi became a teacher in Agnirajya’s school.

Agniya, the king of Agnirajya:
After that Agniya’s parents again became the king and queen of Agnirajya. The whole kingdom was overjoyed and showered flowers at them. The people gave them gifts and Agniya was rewarded ten thousand ‘firels’ the currency of Agnirajya and he was also praised for his bravery. The rishi was a great teacher. He taught the students of Agnirajya school and all of his students who were earlier aggressive, impatient and mean now became wise, humble and kind and helped everyone in need. After some years, Agniya’s parents got old and so they crowned Agniya as the king of Agnirajya and after that Agniya made the rishi his best teacher, friend, helper and royal advisor. Agniya ruled Agnirajya wisely and made his subjects happy and his parents proud of him.

March, 2025

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